Papa Voodoo review on Paris Move And More

I am delighted to be featured on the French music magazine Paris Move recently you can check out the review here which features the title track for Papa Voodoo and a little more background on the album. A big thanks for all the support you have given me in getting the new album launched especially my producer Craig Marshall and Pete Feenstra who is a British DJ writer and music promoter based in France.

Speaking of France I was also featured on the French Based Music Promoter Journalist and DJ Pete Feenstra‘s show recently along with my producer Craig Marshall from Audio 54 and we spoke about the making of Papa Voodoo and our history and inspirations behind the music from the album “Papa Voodoo” you can have a listen here to our chat and hear some of the tracks like Duck Soup and Blues for Peter Green which was strangely enough named by sometimes songwriter Pete Feenstra and more have a listen here

Before I finish up for the this post I would also like to mention another review with Jace Media Music who described Papa Voodoo as a “Masterful Fusion of Blues, Funk, and Soul” So a big thanks goes out to both sites for the promotion of the album which can be bought directly from the new official Audio 54 website store also with more of my Albums and songs myself and Craig worked on Together over the years including”One glass of Water” the Upbeat Reggae groove “Are you Blind” and many more from the Mick Pini Disgoraphy to come so before you leave subscribe and share if you want to support independent guitarists and musicians