Playing Lead in The Ned Ludd Band

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This is an old band of mine playing at the Leicester free festival in 1969 when I was playing with the Ned Ludd Band. Ned started in the mid to late 1960´s and played all over the UK midlands. We had Nigel Payne on rhythm, Arthur Duncan on Vocals, Tom Flannery on Bass and Dave on Drums and once Romeo Challenger who was also a drummer before he went to join showwaddy.

Playing With Ned Ludd
Playing Lead in The Ned Ludd Band

The next photo I am sharing is from the lineup including Romeo and it was shot before one of our many gigs not sure exactly whereabouts but probably around the midlands area in circa 1969.

Playing Lead In The Ned Ludd Band
Playing Lead in The Ned Ludd Band

When playing for the Ned Ludd band I feel it was one first serious bands that were going somewhere and many of us like Romeo did end up joining more successful bands and progressing in our musical careers and I went on to start playing in marble orchard after I moved to Salisbury. When I look back at the Ned Ludd band and the time we spent together and gained valuable experience in play pubs, clubs and festivals which helped me when I moved on to play in bands like Marble Orchard who eventually supported the likes of T-Rex, Sparks, Rory Gallagher and more big names. So you could call the Ned Ludd Band a gateway band of mine.You can find out a little more on the Ned Ludd band if you follow the links of this pin from an article on the era

I hope you have enjoyed reading this little piece on the Ned Ludd Band and consider Subscribing for more on my previous bands.

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